Monday, October 24, 2011

Camp rules - site rules - indoor event rules

In this post are rules and regulations that regulate the activities and structure of enjoying an event and of those rules that will help prevent injuries and damage property. Major rules are broken down into seperate posting while other rules are general and may be combined with previous rules set down by Adrain, Connacht and mundane rules. This is only a generlized list and can change without notice, but for the most part sets the platform so that all may have fun in creating the medieval ages without the bad effects of the medieval ages.

In setting the stage, and for the enjoyment of creative anachronism from 1066AD to 1603AD there is a few simple rules, that will help to make the event or and demo more pleasurable to yourself and ones that may become involved with you.

Mundane Rules: Adria Rules; Connacht Rules:

1.) Obey all rules set forth by country, province and city. These rules if not follow can get one kick out of an event and or demo, and may result in arrest by proper authorities. If the site is liquor free, don't bring any. All sites are drug free, so no illegal drugs please, except perscribtion medications.

2.) Obey all rules set forth by Adria. To see manuals go to and click on library.

3.) Obey Connacht's rules and the autocrat's rules as set forth.

4.) Remember to bring passport, and or enhanced driver's licence if crossing into the USA. This is appliciable for all forms of transportation. Also don't forget to bring other legal papers as well pretaining to youth, and pets, and some goods. Please note some goods are not to be transported across the border, and one may fine a list by checking with customs.

The Ten Commandments

1.) Treat your inferiors in rank, knowledge or expience in the society as if they were your equals, treat your equals as if they were your superiors; treat officers as representatives of the king; and treat the king and queen (duke and duchess) with reverence due your sovereigns.

2.) Use medieval forms of address; if you do not know their rank, use either M'lady, or Mistress, and M'Lord or Master (adria non ranking titles).

3.) M'Lords and M' Ladies be faithful to your superiors and your word.

4.) M'Lords, honor all ladies.

5.) M'Ladies, be worthy of that honor.

6.) Touch no man's goods unasked; give and receive with grace when permission received.

7.) Be gentle to the stanger; who knows they may become future members.

8.) Raise your sword, but not your voice

9.) If completing in marshal arts let the slain man tell if he or she be slain.

10.) Reverence the royalty.

A few basic rules:

1.) Seek and ask permission if borrowing equipment

2.) Ask if you do not know how to operate equipment; very important if working in the campsite kitchen.

3.) Don't be afraid to ask questions, no manner how dumb they may sound. It can save someone from injury.

4.) If you remove item from its box by permission, when you are finish with the item please return to box and place where you have found it and inform the owner of the item.

5.) If you volunteer, please make sure that you respect what you have volunteer for. Most members are counting on you.

6.) Ask before helping, they may not need your help. And if you are helping, make sure that you follow their instructions. This will apply to most things in the camp setting up and tear down. It was in 2010 that a near accident had happen in taking down a pavilion, that one individual, without seeking information pulled out a pin that supported the walls of an eight sided pavilion, of which I Christiana and M'lady Meredith the haln almost received injury due to the pavilion falling into itself. ASK ASK and LEARN LEARN!!!

7.) Check the rules posted below and follow.

8.) If fighting in marshal arts, make sure you understand the equipment, the possiblility of been injured, and that one need be carded to the marshal art they wish to partake in.

9.) Touch no weapon, or and tool unless one is given permission by the owner.

10.) All propane devices will only be operated by its owner, and no one else, unless unattendant, than by all means turn the equipment off. This helps prevent fires or worse.

11.) Although mention below - Seek permission before lighting that cig or pipe. These are to be lit in dessignated areas, as set by the autocrat of the event. If indoor event - mundane rules will apply, so please before you light up, make SURE YOU HAVE permission.

12.) Leave no cig butt lit, and dispose of in proper manner. I Christiana do not like cleaning up after you.

13.) By all means, if you can play a musical insturment, please bring it. It is fun to have a bit of music at bard around the fire.

14.) Although cover below in more detail; please if you bring a pet, make sure that the site is pet friendly (contact the autocrat for rules to pets) and make sure that they are leashed; and that you clean up there doo doo. No one likes to set into the pets doo doo when in period clothing.

15.) When attending feast, bring your own feast gear - bowl, plate, mug, and utensils for basics.

16.) Please try hard to hide mundane items from show - after all it is a creative anachronism event and plastics were not invented than, nor were cigs known in the era that is represented.

17.) Please inform the first aider or and the manager of Phasiani lacus Manerium of any medical problems that one may have - ie heart condition, diabetic, etc.

18.) Everyone in Phasiani lacus Manerium HELPS setting up and takedown - this applies to demos and events. No one wants to be last to participate or to leave. Additionally the autocrat is the last one to leave, and he or she does not want be there all day while you are packing.

19.) Restrict what is needed at an event or demo - don't overpack. Most events are only 1 full day with Friday and Sunday been setup and teardown.

20.) MAKE SURE YOUR SITE is clean or cleaner when you leave. No cig butts, cans, bottles, or whatever is left behind for someone else to clean up.

21.) If for some reason one must leave early, please let the membership know that you are leaving; everyone wants to know that they feel welcomed. If leaving for a few hours please inform the manager of Phasiani lacus Manerium when you are leaving and your ETA of arrival. There may be other members that may want something from the grocery etc. stores, and this helps in conserving the enviroment as well as fuel.

22.) If one is going in to get supplies, make sure to collect either before or after monies that may be oweing to you.

23.) In most cases, it is the camper that will most likely have to take their own garbage and dispose of it at a proper location. WHAT YOU bring in YOU TAKE OUT.

24.) If borrowing gold key from Phasiani lacus Manerium - new members without a persona that are members of Phasiani lacus Manerium may borrow from the limited items - must return prior to ending of event or and demo.

25.) If you break it, please inform the person that own the item and inform, and if neccessary replace the item. Don't hide the item; take responsiblity.

26.) Dont try to fix the item unless you know how to. This can lead to injury of a member if the item is not fixed property. If it is of Phasiani lacus Manerium property, please inform the manager of Phasiani lacus Manerium, so that the item can be delt with.

27.) Any items owned by Phasiani lacus Manerium and is to be borrowed, written permission must be sought before lending item. Breakage and damage of items must also be reported, other than normal wear and tear.

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