Saturday, October 15, 2011

Left Something Behind

It has happen to all of us at one time or another and it might be a minor item to one that can be expensive if not ruin your trip. Trust me it has happen many time to myself, but with the adding of this web blog, I Christiana hope that this will help those that have an assent mind, when been rush at that last minute detail. I Christiana, if planning on going to a major event or even a demo, will try to get a good nights sleep, and relased before trying to load what I may need at an event or demo and hopefully remember everything that one must bring to an event or a demo. You do not want someone nagging you while you are loading, this is a sure way to forget something, and if you are lucky you will remember before getting to far, but in most cases, you have already gone to far, and as a result will most likely have to purchase the item to replace the one you have forgot, and if it happens to be at one of the tourist towns the price is usually double.

The first and I cannot stress this enough is to have your dragon check out ( mode of transportation like your car or truck or even RV) before venturing on your quest. Have all the fluids check and capped if required. Check tire pressure, and make sure there is enough fuel to get you there and back to the nearest service station. It is also a good time to have the vehicle check for any major problems that may arise. Nothing like a breakdown, especially when someone is depending on you to be there for the event or demo. If you do suffer a major breakdown and it is due to lack of attendance to your dragon, this breakdown is most likely to occur somewhere out in the boom docks, not near a service stations that can do repairs. In todays market, service stations are far apart for the most case, and can be expensive if in a tourist town. Make sure your vehicle is properly service.

Make sure that you have your prescribe medications if you have any. It can happen if at an event or demo that one can suffer, even death, if you forgot your prescription medication assuming that you are taking presribed medication.

Make sure to have all those important papers like driver licence, passport if traveling to another country, and if bringing your pet along make sure that it has its shots and vaccination papers as well. Make sure that the site is pet friendly before transporting your pet, and don't forget about your pet, if he or she is in the vehicle, as vehicles can heat up rather fast on a sunny day that may cause your pet to suffer. Their are laws (mundane) that deal with this type of situation, and does carry a fine or possible jail sentence. So the best is to leave your pet at home if you can. Oh yes if the site is pet friendly leash law will apply!!!

Pending on the event or demo one may check the list below on what to bring. You are welcome to print this web blog, to use as a guide to what to bring and what not.

Clothing and garb. Although Phasiani lacus Manerium has a limited amount of gold key, it is advisable to contact Mistress Christiana if requiring garb for the events. Christiana does not as a rule transport gold key as this takes up valued space when transporting personal items to an event or demo.

If there is tickets involved, and or membership numbers involved please bring with you. Membership proof, sometimes reduces the site fee. This is common in the Society of Creative Anachronism known as non membership fees.

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