From time to time one may be asked to present themselves to their graces, and in during so there is a certain protocol that is involved.
If called up please exit your chair and go to the back of the rows of chairs but not via the main aisle. There you will be met most likely by a guard of the royals, and escorted up to where the graces are sitted. Once you have reach the front row, to their graces, than once in front of their graces, bow again and wait for orders to what need be done. When completed bow again and take a few steps back, than bow, and turn. Walk to the back with the guard escort, and than come back to your seat, not via the center aisle.
If court is not in session and you cross the path of the thrones within reasonable distance, bow to the thrones. If there graces are wearing crowns, you should honor than with a slight bow of your head to acknowledge their rank and presence.
People talk in court, it happens all the time, but if you want to do so, please go to the back or far edge of the assembly and keep your voice low. A lot of funny and interesting stuff takes place in court. Lots of people want to hear it, and not everyone gets a good seat. Even what seems boring is extremely important to those involved. Honor them, and in doing honor yourself.
If you are getting an award, those conducting the court will indicate that you should kneel - usually on a cushion - in front of their graces. When someone is on the cushion you know something is good to about happen.
If you need to make an announcement, bow, then ask if you ma please address the populace. If you get permission, step aside so the crown can see too and address the court in your best outside voice. Take a breath and project your voice - make it carry to the last person in the back.
Anytime you leave court bow once to those in charge before making your exit and seek their permission.
Note: Sometimes in court one may be escorted by a person who may be a knight or squire that is part of the guard. If new to the protocols follow their lead.
Gift to the royals. If presenting a gift to the royals, these gifts are from you and not of Phasiani lacus Manerium an therefore it is advisable to seek one of the royal guards and make arrangements and to be guided in presenting your gift and to be called up to present your gift to the royals.
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