Thursday, October 20, 2011

Traveling as a group

In traveling to events and demos it is advisable to travel as a group, thus helping in case of vehicle breakdowns. It also helps in cost sharing if car pooling as well.

It is possible, that as a group we may travel beyond the sixty mile (100K) range to events and some of these events may be more than one day travel. If this is the case, we will have a meeting prior to the event - usually a week will do - either in person of by the official chat room of Phasiani lacus Manerium, pertaining to the distance, and route to be travel and where we as a group will settle down for the night. In short motel and or hotels, can be booked in advance, and in some cases the motel rooms may be equip with kitchenettes which will help greatly in cutting down cost for meals out.

A set route will be agreed on, and where we will meet, this will include if elected to do so lunch locations, and even possibility of mundane tourist site seeing.

In traveling, we shall all leave at the same time and travel together as a group, and this includes coming back, unless other plans have been made by the individual, and the individual will have to inform Mistress Christiana if he or she has other plans on the return trip. If traveling back on the return trip as a group, a phone call tree will be set up, to ensure that everyone of us has returned safely. If traveling back by a different route, and wish to inform Christiana of the route and a rough estimate time of arrival, you will be included on the phone tree, so as to know everyone within our group has returned. If we of the phone tree do not receive an answer within a reasonable amount of time, or a call from you, it will be assumed that you might have broken down, and with the aid of the map routes agreed on, we can back track to find you.

It should be noted that most states and provinces do not allow the use of any communications device by the driver while the vehicle is been driven by yourself. Therefore we cannot answer you unless we have stopped, so in this we try to keep a few miles below the speed limit on highways so as to keep together and ensure that each one of us arrives at the event and at home. If traveling internationally check under personal needs below for information.

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