Monday, October 24, 2011

Phasiani lacus Manerium laws, charter and rules.

Phasiani lacus Manerium in translation means Manor of Pheasant Hollow. Phasiani lacus is and shall remain loyal to Arch Duchy of Connacht and is headed up by Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable with a persona of a wealthy widow of a wealthy merchant from the Tudor era. The household currently has six members of which a couple of its members are founders of guilds and all practice within the arts and sciences. The household motto is “Ut, docents, et in partem usus fructus frui” – latin for “To learn, teach, and to enjoy the fruits of life and to share our experience.” Heraldry is currently is in a state of been register with the Adrian Empire.

Contained below is a number of post that contain the charter, oaths, rules and law of Phasiani lacus Manerium. The rules and laws are common laws that are used every day, and some of these other rules are for the betterment and enjoyment in participation at events and demos. I Christiana do not like to sound like a broken record, but many of the individuals of Phasiani lacus Manerium need to brush up on their manners, and that by producing this web blog, I Christiana hope to resolve this problem of misconception. If mundane laws are broken, it will be up to the proper authorities to deal with this problem, and if I Christiana have witness this, I will have no choice but to give one over to the proper authorities. If one breaks a local law, a speaking by either myself or one of Connacht if it is a Connacht or Adrain law will be arrange.

Once reading the charter, and the laws of Phasiani lacus Manerium most of which are either mundane laws or common sense, there is a camp and day event supply list at the bottom of this blog, which you are welcome to copy and use for checking which items you will be bringing.

To return the Phasiani lacus Manerium main web blog go to:

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