Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Drinking, Drugs, and Fowl language

Phasiani lacus Manerium has suggested rules towards drinking and towards drugs.

Drinking: With changes that are occurring in mundane rules it is advisable not to drink and drive. In the past few years here in British Columbia the acceptable max level that one can consider to be able to drive is no more than .o5. If after .05 one can face loss of vehicle, stiff increase in driver's insurance, fines and licence fees, and one may be prohibited in driving for a specific time frame as set by mundane laws. If greater than .08 lost of vehicle, much stiffer fines, and a long period of not been able to drive.

In a socialization gathering, one for the must part can bring their own bottle, (commerical brought booze - no home made stuff please) and can socialize with the group at nights around the fire, and or at feast, but please remember, some sites do not allow your own brought drinks, and one must buy at the site, while others may not allow drink at all. It is usually posted if the events will allow drink and how to acquire drink or you may contact the autocrat of the event for regulations regarding drink.

Please be advised that your body weight and how much fat you have body wise will determine the effect of booze on raising to the limit. It has be noted that some can reach their limit within one drink while others may be upwards beyond three, but if you drink and wish to drive, please do not. It is for your own safety.

If attending events and demos as day events and wish to drink, please have a designated driver to drive you home. If not and the day event and or demo is near a motel or hotel or even a friend's residence: Maybe book a reservation for the night, to sleep off the effects.

Drugs: With drugs (illegal ones) Phasiani lacus Manerium will not approved of, and if one is caught, Mistress Christiana will have no choice but to report on you to mundane authorized personal. Prescribe drugs are accepted, but they to may affect your judgement, as the mundane forces are setting up more alert patrols to catch drunken drivers, and ones that use illegal drugs and if taking presription and or over the counter drugs this may also affect your judgement when one is driving.

If you are going to a day event, my suggestion (Mistress Christiana's opinion) is leave the drink and the drugs at home, and after the event once home you can enjoy these luxuries.

Foul Language: Foul Language will not be accepted, and every attempt should be made at period language and be encourage. If speaking in bad language, and I Christiana find out that you have been, I will sit down with you and explain the reason why? At events there are children, and it is advisable not to talk in foul language.

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